Look For Goodies

Thursday, January 20, 2011

January 20, 2011

- Cops are so rude! They’ll just throw you in the back of the squad car like they didn't even hear you call shotgun!

- Just because they make size 16 daisy dukes, doesn't mean you should wear size 16 daisy dukes.

- Impossible is just a fancy way of saying, "No one else has figured out a way to do this yet."

- I intend to live forever. So far, so good.

- Warning: I have character defects and I am not afraid to use them!!!

- Facebook Etiquette: Thou shall not hold a conversation under someone's status post.

- George Washington owned a Dodge Charger – Wikipedia

- I love to give homemade gifts. Which one of my kids do you want?

- I just had a near death experience and other peoples’ lives flashed before my eyes. I HAVE to stop being so nosey!

- Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.

- Welcome to my wall of shame. You are the latest addition.

- Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.

- I would kill the sexiest person on earth but suicide is a sin.

- My new life goal is to do something worthy of being on a commemorative plate while holding a commemorative plate.

- People learn english all the time, It arent that hard

- I hate being asked if I have any "past experience." Is there any other kind? Can one have future experience?

- I like to believe the spell czech on my computer has never failed me.

- Check One : [ ] single [ ] taken [X] climbin’ in yo window, snatchin’ yo people up.

- I never knew there was an Amish family living at the end of my street. There's a sign down there that says "No Outlet". How interesting.

- I had social networking when I was a kid, too. I think back then it was called "outside."

- If you only remember one thing today, remember this.

- Due to the political climate in America today, all "Target" stores will be changing their names to "Objective".

- The difference between me and a workaholic is that I work considerably less.

- Do you like impressions? WHY?! (That was Socrates)

- What do you call a kid with no arms and an eye patch? Names

- I never make misteaks.

- The two rules for success are: 1. Never tell them everything you know.

- Index: Recursive loop: See recursive loop.

- What is the origin of the word "draconian"? The ancient Greek lawgiver Draco enforced severe penalties on people too lazy to look up dictionaries.

- I'm trying to be less self-deprecating, but I really suck at it.

- I can be spontaneous, if I have enough time to prepare for it.

- Don't procrastinate. Put it off NOW.

- All generalizations are wrong.

- My apathy causes me problems, but I don't care.

- It's extremely important that you fully understand how completely trivial this statement is.

- What is this a paraphrase of?

- I've felt like a goat, ever since I was a kid.

- Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded.

- I'm not conceited. Conceit is a fault, and I have none.

- I'm sorry, am I repeating myself? Am I being redundant? Am I saying things over and over?

- After years of refusing to take my calls, I have finally decided to be my own best friend. And now I don't call. Did I wait too long?

- Just say NO to negativity!

- I just learned how to copy and paste! I just learned how to copy and paste! I just learned how to copy and paste!

- Starbucks is coming out with a new larger size cup...the Trenta. It’s Latin for “I Have To Pee”.

- Does anyone else see the irony that the game "Monopoly" is made by one company?

- I was so bad at grammar as a kid, I got trapped in a good.

- My great aunt used to say, "Slow and steady wins the race." She died in a fire.

- What's a pirate minus the ship? Just a creative homeless guy.

- Where are all the Sour Patch parents?

- When life gets you down, make a comforter.

- When life give you lemons...you probably just found lemons.

- When I’m having fun, I like to yell, “WEEEEEEEEE!” Yep…I like to refer to myself and other people.

- If a deaf boy cusses in sign language, does his mother wash his hands with soap?

- I am, therefore you are.

- I heard Snooki doesn’t want to be called "Snooki" anymore. So, what do we call her now? I say we call her "Annoying Orange"…or is that taken?

- You will have the song "I’m a Barbie Girl" stuck in your head in 2 seconds.

- If at first you don't succeed, you'll get a lot of free advice from people who didn't succeed either.

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