Look For Goodies

Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

- When you go cow tipping, do you only tip 15-20% of them?

- Past, Present and Future walked into a bar. It was tense.

- Today is the 2nd day of the rest of your life. Yep, yesterday was the 1st day and you totally wasted it didn't you?

- I want you all to know that no trees were harmed in the production of this message. However, a rather large number of electrons were somewhat inconvenienced.

- Did you know that 'Go Hang A Salami' is 'I'm A Lasagna Hog' backwards? You’re welcome.

- Stalking is such a strong word. I prefer “extreme follow the leader” .

- If you ever become a mother, can I have one of the puppies?

- Time flies when I throw my alarm clock across the room.

- ...And I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for those meddling kids!

- Attention Kids in High School: If you're complaining that Facebook is "becoming Myspace"... it's because of you. Please stop complaining and use Facebook for what it was made for...to lurk on other peoples photos.

- I finally finished ALL of my laundry. Now, I just have to sweep the ashes out of the fireplace.

- I need to have a fixed income. Mine is broken.

- I don’t accept blame well, but it's not my fault.

- RIP Jack LaLanne. I wonder if he’ll be buried, cremated or juiced?

- You know you're getting old when people start telling you how young you look.

- When I see people outside, smoking in freezing temperatures, it makes me wonder what else I can get them to do.

- If I ever find out who keeps shrinking my pants, I'm going to strangle them. Then I'm going to steal all of their candy.

- 3 ways to die early: Smoking = 5 years early. Alcohol = 10 years early. Loving someone who doesn't love you = You die daily.

- Can we please have a minute of silence for the women who’ve lost their boyfriend/husband to COD: BLACK OPS.

- Dear Yahoo, I’ve never heard someone say "I dunno let’s 'Yahoo It." Just Saying. Sincerely, Google.

- It's been said that Obama hasn't had a cigarette in 9 months. If that's true, then why does it feel like he's still blowing smoke up my butt?

- Is anyone else not surprised by the news that Taco Bell’s “meat” isn’t really all meat? That didn’t even merit a “WHAT?!” from me. Turns out I love “Extender” tacos!

- Taco Bell Meat Ingredients: Beef, Water, Seasoning, Isolated Oat Product, Salt, Chili Powder, Onion Powder, Oats. Now…you may be thinking that oats don’t belong in tacos, but hear me out. Oatmeal is heart healthy. Therefore, Taco Bell = Heart Healthy.

- Is it just me, or does anyone else's cold medina taste a little funky?

- I have a friend who’s a Japanese Atheist. He doesn't believe in Godzilla.

- If you look up “cool” in the dictionary, you’ll see a picture of me. I like to deface dictionaries.

- Life got so much easier when I decided to become part of the problem and not part of the solution.

- Never could figure out why my career as tpyist came to a sudden ned.

- Please don’t ever change! I always want to be better than you.

- If the waitress doesn’t have a visible tattoo the restaurant is usually too expensive for me.

- The clothes I wear on laundry day make me look like an alien in a movie when kids dress it to look like a human.

- Breaking News: Cheese factory explodes. Nothing left but de Brie.

- Words: For when an emoticon just isn’t enough.

- Quit embarrassing me in front of my friends, iPod shuffle.

- Stephen Tyler looks like he’s made from leftover pieces of Mickey Rourke.

- I refuse to swallow my pride. The last thing I need in my diet right now is more empty calories.

- I’m not goofing off. I’m impersonating upper management.

- I’ve been eating healthier. By that I mean I’ve stopped cooking.

- Hard work never hurt anybody. But I’m hoping the boss will be first.

- I bet cannibals were really disappointed by elbow macaroni.

- Today I’ve decided to rename things in the office to start with “i” like Apple. There’s iStapler, iPostitnotes, iWishitwasfriday…

- Sailors drink beer by the galleon.

- A seminar on time travel will be held two weeks ago.

- “Ooh goody, I have an email!” – me, forgetting about the email I sent myself NOT ONE SECOND AGO.

- Just once I’d like the chip on someone’s shoulder to be a Pringle.

- I always work as if I own this business. Turns out I’m a lazy owner who just doesn’t care if the whole thing goes down the tubes.

- Algebra was easy for the Romans because “X” was always 10.

- I bet you wish it was called male pattern badness.

- I’m taking the underground route to work today. I’ll be following the sewer system, sticking to the sides where it’s dryer with nothing but a rat hammer. Yes…I’m afraid this is a sewerside mission.

- Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for... I'll be right back.

- I’m just typing some words in a box for you to look at.

- Twitter = I need to pee. Facebook = I peed! Youtube = Watch this pee! LinkedIn = I pee well.

- Some people just lack the ability to laugh at themselves. That’s where I come in.

- When your only tool is a set of stairs, every coworker looks like a Slinky.

- When it’s cold out I wear my UGG boots. When it’s frustrating out I wear my UGH boots.

- My children are taking me to lunch. I get to choose where. And drive. And pay.

- Dear Diet Coke, I feel like you’re overreacting. Sincerely, Mentos.

- I like to think that if my dog was able to use a computer, his password for everything would be my name followed by random numbers.

- This yogurt is so cultured that I can only eat it when I’m listening to Beethoven.

- The waiter at the Mexican restaurant called me “Amiga”. Am I in a gang now?

- Criticism is not nearly as effective as sabotage.

- Indecision may or may not be my problem.

- Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

- “I love the north pole and hate the south pole! No wait…I love the south pole and hate the north pole!” ~ a bi-polar bear

- “We will, we will paper you!” – Band that’s more awesome than Queen

- Might buy a junkyard just to grow my own junk food.

- I need constant reassurance, right?

- I used to watch TV, read the paper, and listen to the radio. Now I watch the internet, read the internet, and listen to the internet.

- I’d like to say some wise and meaningful crap, but the fact I just referred to it as “crap” shows just how meaningful I can be.

- You’d be more impressed with me if you never met anyone else.

- My dentist just won Dentist of the Year. All he got was a little plaque.

- Adding a funny hat to your pajamas at home = weird. Adding a funny hat to your pajamas at work = chef.

- If you can’t face it, moon it.

- The easiest job in the world has to be coroner. Surgery on dead people. What’s the worst thing that could happen? If everything went wrong, maybe you’d get a pulse.

- A politician will stand for what he thinks people will fall for.

- The Food Network should air a disclaimer before all its programs. “Warning: the following show features stunts performed by chefs who didn’t have to worry about washing dishes, afterwards.”

- Always try to be modest. And be damn proud of it!

- The dog is following me around like I’m made of meat. Wait a minute…

- Isn’t it odd the way everyone automatically assumes that the goo in soap dispensers is always soap? I like to fill mine with mustard, just to teach people a lesson in trust.

- I’m giving my co-workers the silent treatment by sending them blank emails.

- In only two weeks I’d forgotten how exhausting work can be. Tomorrow I think I’ll just watch.

- You never hear skinny people saying, “I’m just small boned.”

- “Age is just a number.” “Yeah? Jail is just a room.”

- On the other hand… You have different fingers.

- I always start what I finish.

- Women speak two languages, one of which is verbal.

- Any convenience store that requires the customer to wear pants isn’t convenient at all.

- They used to be called Jumpolines until your mom bounced on one back in ’52.

- NEVER try to self-diagnose online. It almost always ends up making you think you’re dying. WebMD should just be renamed “EnjoyYourCancer.com”.

- Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, you’re good. Fool me four times, WOW! Did you major in fooling?

- If you do a Google Image search for the number ’241543903′, you will find out why the human race is so fantastic.

- Snow Tip: The other people out shoveling are called “neighbors.” They are like Facebook friends who live nearby.

- The Hypochondriac’s Epitaph: “NOW do you believe me!?”

- I’m sorry, DIRECT TV, I could care less if I can pause my DVR in one room and resume in another. Want to impress me? Free movie channels forever. Or send me a miniature giraffe. Either one.

- A disgruntled bubble wrap factory worker could shoot 20 men and no one would turn their heads.

- I have no problem keeping secrets. It’s the people I tell…

- Zoo animals don’t know they live in a gated community.

- Nudist Camp sign : Sorry, Clothed for Winter.

- Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.

- AIBOHPHOBIA – the fear of palindromes.

- The penalty for success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you.

- How long does guacamole last in the fridge? Please say a year.

- Lawyer (n): Larval stage of Politician.

- If you treat every situation like a life or death matter, be prepared to die a lot of times.

- There’s an old proverb that says just about whatever you want it to.

- We must believe in free will. We have no choice.

- About 90% of conversations between guys are just made up of quotes from movies.

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